
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hello to all my blog buddies out there and a special hello to any of you that are already back to school.  Confession time....I am always a little (lot) jealous when you are all posting that you are done with school in May and early June. Enough about that.....

I have had quite a week!  I feel a bit like a princess I will admit.  I have added a few new members to my creative team. The first member is Hot Mama...

Now I know that you may be a friend of mine and reading this and you are saying "But Lori! I TOLD you how great this thing was!" and you would be correct BUT why didn't you put me in your car and drive me to the closest store?   This little lady in combination with the new printer that we needed to buy because our old one died, has made me so darn productive!

I still have not used her to her full potential yet because we are still getting to know each other but September is coming.....

The other member of the team that joined me just last night is Big Daddy.  Now I have had my old mac laptop for 5 years or so.
That apparently makes it geriatric.
I like to use things until they wear out.
I wore it out.
It will remain in our family as the kids computer but Big Daddy will be my (and hubby's, of course) computer.

I am not sponsored by Mac in any way but have to say how much I LOVE this company.  I was in and out of the store in 20 minutes with my new computer and directions on how to transfer the information from my old computer to my new one. Here they are talking to each other....too cool.

Ok...enough gushing.  Onto a cute project that I did this afternoon.

While I was cruising the blogs I came across a cute project by one blogger for a dry erase board that was embellished with vinyl.  I have gone back to see who it was so that I could give her credit but could not find it! I did find that you can "like" a post on Bloglovin so I will be using this feature from now on! can get this really cute dry erase board at Walmart for less than $4.  It comes in pink, purple, blue and white.  Very basic and the magnets were kinda ugly.

I got the cricut humming and cut a little black vinyl to cutify it.  This will hang inside my classroom door to let me know when adults take students out of the room for therapies.  I have 4 children with IEP   plans this year and 2 children with 504 plans so I anticipate that there will be a lot of traffic in and out of my room.

I took care of the ugly magnets with a couple of cute owl stickers.

And...of course while I was there I had to take advantage of the 50 cent composition books.

The girl at the register asked "Are you a teacher?"

Do non-teachers buy composition books 24 at a time????


  1. LOL I love when the cashier raises her eyebrows and says: "Are you a teacher?". Most of the time I just smile and say yes, but I'm sure someday I'll come back with a snarky comment!

    Tanya ☺
    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  2. I got a laminator this summer too! I had also heard others talking about how great they are - but I didn't realize exactly how much fun I was missing out on. It is one of my new favorite things!! :)
