Getting ready for back-to-school is crazy! At my school we start the with the kids the Wednesday after Labor Day and we have to report that Tuesday. So you can imagine how NUTS we were when the district told us that they were shutting down the power in the building for the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the week before Labor Day to install a generator! Really?
Well, we took lemons and made some crazy lemonade. Piggybacking off of an idea that I had heard from a teacher friend of mine that works in another district, we decided to run a "Moonlight Madness" night on the Tuesday before the "blackout". (We originally called it Midnight Madness but we had to be out by 10pm).
The night ran from 6-10 and myself (MC Lori "Did I ever tell you the story about how Jon BonJovi touched my hand once" Faas and another teacher, MC Heather "I AM Jessie's Girl" Shaw were the MCs for the night.
We started off the night with a contest. It was to see who could produce a gift that a student had made for them. As we awaited contestants, we played "Hot For Teacher" over the speaker throughout the school. After running down the hall and taking out the competition, Elissa won with her personalized covered composition book. She won a mystery bag containing a candy bar, bandaids, hand sanitizer and an apple. We changed the rules for the next giveaway so as not to have anyone injured while sprinting! :)

After our snacks we did a "walk about" tour of the school to see what everyone was doing in their classrooms. This was a great time! It is not often that the 3-5 grade teachers and the K-2 teachers get to see what is going on in each others' classrooms! There was a lot of ooooo-ing and aaahhhh-ing.