OK....Kristin over at
A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Hadar at
Miss Kindergarten are hosting a linky party and since I am a sucker for a list, here we go. The
Linky Party is called ELEVEN in ELEVEN, as in 11 things from 2011.
#11. Favorite Movie You Watched

This was my absolute favorite. I actually saw it more than once in the theater and that is HUGE for me. I saw it both times with a group of girlfriends and laughed HARDER the second time I saw it. If you have not seen it, get a group of girlfriends together, kick the men and children out and grab a bottle of wine. Fun.
#10 Favorite TV Series
Who can pick????? Love so many. Could do a top 11 TV series of 2011. Maybe I will (in no particular order).
Covert Affairs
Warehouse 13
Rizzoli & Isles
Criminal Minds
Once Upon a Time
The Closer
(only room for one more??? Darn.....)
#9 Favorite Restaurant

I so very rarely get to go out to dinner and we love to try different places to eat. The one placethat I will go if I am out and about is Panera. It is a great "meet for coffee" (or soup) or light dinner place. I have the rewards card and am so happy when there is a free pastry bonus on the card! Talking about it makes me want to go out and eat some right now!
#8 Favorite new thing you tried
I think that I am going to have to go with the flow and put "blogging" here. I was a blogger last year but this year I jumped into 2 new blogs. I started my classroom blog to help introduce my students to blogs and use it as a communication tool and started "Bee the Change" to help be better at reflecting on my teaching.
#7 Favorite Gift You Received
I just got this beauty for Christmas. I had never made pizzelles before and have always loved them so I borrowed the press from a friend. I was telling my Mom about it and so I found this under the tree. The tag said " To Lori from Mom and Dad (selfishly)". Yum!
#6 Favorite thing you pinned
I have a HUGE yellow wall in my dining room and cannot seem to commit to any type of plan. I pinned this because I think that it will work. Stay tuned. ((Special note. I wanted to post something else but it was not appropriate for my blog....some of the things that I see on Pinterest CRACK ME UP!))
#5 Favorite Blog Post
My favorite blog post is the one where I posted my whole class first blog lesson. It was titled
"What is a Blog". Whenever I look at those pics and read that post, I remember how excited those little kids were!
#4 Favorite Accomplishment
Hmmmmm.......not sure here. I guess that I need to make a mental note of my accomplishments for next year's list! I am at a pretty great, calm, easy going place in my life where I don't have a ton of major things in the works. I did an extreme makeover of my craft room/office. Here is a before and after! (I wish that it was still as clean as it is in this pic!

#3 Favorite Picture

This was a picture that I took of my daughter Natalie while we were at a farm market this fall. It was a two ended giant kaleidoscope. I love it!
#2 Favorite Memory

Dave and I had the chance to go to his cousin's wedding on Long Island on the July 4th weekend. We went without kids! I have lived in NY most of my life and had never been to LI. The wedding did not start until 6pm on Saturday so Dave, myself and his Mom and Dad spent the late morning on Jones Beach. I love the ocean so I really did not want to leave. It was a beautiful day (as you can see) and I really enjoyed sticking my feet in the water.
#1 Goal for 2012
I am not a fan of New Year's Resolutions. I do have a personal goal but it is not a public one. I think that as far as teaching is concerned, my goal will have something to do with taking on a student teacher for the first time ever. I am excited to do this since Megan has been my student observer since September. I would also like to make more teaching materials of my own. I love what I see on TPT and think that I could do some of those things too!
WOW! This was a TOUGH post! Thanks for reading and Happy New Year to all of my bloggy friends!