
Friday, August 28, 2015

5 For Friday - August 28

In the spirit of "trying to blog again" I am doing a 5 for Friday! Click on the header to go to Doodle Bugs blog! I am not back to school until September 1st but I have been plenty busy!

Volleyball season has started!  
My son is playing on the Varsity team this year so we started early! 
I love to watch him play! 
Nice serve Nate!

I had a "Meet the Teacher" time at school this week.  It only took me until 10:30 to get THIS ready. That is not a good sign for next week when I have to pull it all together by 8:15...yikes!

My son turned 16 this week.  I can't believe that my little 6 week preemie who had to spend 3 weeks in the NICU after he was born is now a 6 ft. tall 16 year-old.  He is really turning into a sweet young man and I am very proud of him.  We joke about the fact that he would not eat when he was born and now we cannot fill him up! (see the frozen yogurt pic below!)

His yogurt weighed twice what mine and my daughter's did!

This pretty 8th grader waited SO PATIENTLY for her schedule to arrive in the mail.  It finally arrived and she was on the phone texting EVERYONE.  She is happy that she has some classes with her friends.

 Then we had to go set up the lockers....

This is some intense decor!

I did actually get into my room for a bit this week too!  I feel like I could spend 20 hours a day there and still never finish all that I need to do.  Only other teachers would really understand that.  Here are a couple of areas in my room that are always very popular!  I really wanted to climb under the counter and read a book.  My daughter took a snooze under there one day this week when she came to help me.
I have to remember to take more classroom pics....

Well, not too bad for getting back on the wagon! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Crafting Therapy

What to do when you are a total procrastinator, school starts in 2 weeks, your classroom is not done being cleaned yet and you have so much work to do that it is making your head spin?? Make new door signs for your new team mates and the 2 team mates that got married last year! These are so cute that it almost made me want to re-do mine!

Friday, August 14, 2015

A Midsummer's (I wish) Post

Hey all!

It has been such a lovely summer...I have been relaxing and enjoying myself as much as I possibly can.  I am not ready to completely get back into the "school mindset" because I still have 16 days of summer vacation left (but who's counting?).

My first order of business for easing back into things was to prepare all of my media outlets for parents.  I heard that our teacher assignment letters were going out this week and was sure that as soon as that happened, parents that did not alread know me would be trying to check me out. 

So I did this...

Just a little hello for those "proactive" parents! LOL! 
You can see the post here.

I hope that I can get more parents to follow this year.  I think that part of my problem last year was that I lost motivation when I felt that nobody was looking.  We shall see.

My list is long friends......and I am a Master Procrastinator. Big time. 
Maybe you all will keep me on my toes this year?

Here are a couple of non-teaching fun things that I have been up to recently!
 I spent a week at Keuka Lake, one of the finger lakes in Central NY. Hubby's smile says it all.
 I photographed a lot! This was at Bully Hill Winery on Keuka Lake. If you have never had wines from the Finger Lakes region, do yourself a favor and do it. Now!
 I embarked on a "healthier lifestyle" journey in June.  It has had some positive results even though it has not quite yielded what I expected. I did get a Vegetti...along with the wine, you need this. Trust me. Plus I get the giggles when I say "Vegetti" for some reason.
 My daughter and I redid some chairs for our craft room.
Chairs - $0
Paint - $0
Fabric - $12 for both
Time laughing and crafting with teenaged daughter?
You guessed it.....Priceless!
 On our twice-yearly trip to Vermont we stopped (as we always do) into the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester VT. This place is awesome and a "must see" if you are a lover of any kind of book. This stone is outside on the sidewalk and made me laugh.  Here is the link:
Northshire Bookstore
 Looked at clouds like this all summer long...Mother Nature must have felt sorry for us after the horrible, cold, bitter winter we had. She blessed us with beautiful weather.
Speaking of the horrible winter, an ice dam caused my old front door to freeze shut so I got a new door and decided to throw caution to the wind and paint it bright yellow. My house is white with black shutters (yawn) so the old girl needed some happiness! Apparently it will bring "energy, positivity and joy to my front steps". Come on in!

I have a school-related project that I am doing tonight and will share with you all tomorrow! 
Thanks for stopping by!