It was one of "those" weeks. You know the kind. The kind where you are thinking "Would you like fries with that?" has a nice ring to it. I think that Halloween on Monday was the reason for most of this. The kids were all kinds of crazy Monday, all kinds of tired Tuesday and out of
sorts the rest of the week. Even I thought that Wednesday was Thursday and kept referring to the next day as Friday. Anyway, I feel like I did not teach anything blog-worthy all week so I decided to post some things around my room that inspire me to keep up the good fight and things that bring me joy. Even though we do not celebrate Halloween in our school, a little bit slipped in......Here's to a better week ahead! Cheers!
My owls from my friend Becky are right next to my desk. they keep me smiling.

One of the kids made this for me and was SO PROUD that I hung it up.
(If anyone has any idea what it is, let me know.)

My co-worker (and dear friend) Michaela gave this to me when she moved to Connecticut 6 years ago. He has been on top of my phone every year since.
It is surprising how long it takes kids to notice he is there. And that he is naked.

This is my ID badge (with the picture conveniently NOT in the picture). My buddy Charlie gave me the leaf to tuck in the pouch. It had been dandelions before the leaf. The little purple crystal is a new addition from Viktoriya. Love these little "treasures".

I love you too Margarite.

SSSHHHH.....Halloween snuck in......

witch's broom pen and spider!
even the teacher may have worn some contraband jack-o-lanterns...

Bee the Change~